Flor de Jambu - Jambu Dry Extract has a rating of 4.3 stars based on 3 reviews.

Flor de Jambu - Jambu Dry Extract

$ 10.00

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Jambu (Spilanthes acmella)  (Acmella oleracea)

Jambu is a flowering herb commonly used in northern Brazil in typical dishes like tacaca and as medicine for malaria, and its diuretic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Common names worldwide include toothache plant, paracress, sechuan button, buzz buttons, tingflowers and electric daisy. 

In recent years the cosmetic industry has been researching this plant due to its main active compound - spilanthol - which has anesthetic effects and it is said to cause relaxing on facial muscles when applied externally, diminishing the appearance of wrinkles. A few big Brazilian cosmetic companies have incorporated this plant into their formulations.

Jambu has also been used infused in spirits - mostly cachaça - Cachaça de Jambu has quickly become a popular shot in the north of Brazil, it makes your mouth tingle for a while.

Jambu has also been incorporated into intimate products like personal lubricants.

There isn't enough research on spilanthol - as medicine or cosmetic - for it to be proved useful, but there are many researches happening now and if you Google it you will find interesting information.

I am selling the dry extract as a curiosity, this product is better suited for people experienced in maceration processes, either with oil or alcohol bases. 

This batch is made of FLOWERS ONLY since they have the largest concentration of sphilantol.

I am selling this dry extract for EXTERNAL use.

I paid an absurd price for this as I bought from a company that makes cachaça, conserves and intimate products with Jambu, if you guys like it I will look for a more affordable producer.


For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

*The Amazonian butters and oils have been tested by generations of rainforest's indigenous and ribeirinho people. They are used for cooking, baking, healing, moisturizing and protecting against the elements.

When we consume Amazonia's sustainable, non-timber-products, we give the local people an alternative to logging and farming which are the two largest responsible factors of the deforestation of such an important ecosystem.

Rainforest Chica's products are wild harvested or ethically farmed. With constant focus on sustainability and fair treatment of harvester, farmers, transporters and producers.

Product for cosmetic use only, not suited for human consumption!

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes, do not ingest. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water, call physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.

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