Andiroba Oil has a rating of 4.9 stars based on 73 reviews.

Andiroba Oil

$ 6.60

Andiroba Oil - Crabwood (Carapa guianensis, Meliáceae)

This miracle oil of the Amazonia forest will become your go to product for everything and everyone in your household. Like the people in the forest, you will not be able to go without it!

  • Extraction Method: mechanically pressed seeds.

  • Country of origin: Brazil.

  • Culture: wild harvested.

  • Appearance: liquid light yellow oil, solidifies at low temperatures.

  • Smell: nutty, earthy.

  • Touch: Thick greasy oil, needs to be massaged onto skin to absorb.

  • For chemical data and fatty acid composition refer to pictures.

The beauty industry finds Andiroba Oil effective in inducing hair growth, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing cellulite because it is infused with omega-3 fatty acids. Andiroba oil has become a popular ingredient among the skincare industry’s aging well products because of its alpha-hydroxyl acids that has been found to increase collagen in the skin. Collagen makes skin plump and prevents it from drooping and being saggy.

Andiroba Oil has many amazing health properties that are attributed to the presence of limonoids. The forest people have this oil in their medicine cabinet, that is how amazing its healing properties are.

Andiroba also has strong insect repellent properties, being popularly used in the confection of candles by the people in the forest. 

This amazing oil can be used directly on the skin or it can be used in the formulation of massage blends, body butters, hair conditioners, soaps, etc...


  • Cellulite Prevention

  • Hair Loss

  • Aging Skin

  • Skin and scalp Issues

  • Pet and Farm Animals Care

  • Skin protection products

  • Muscle massaging 


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Andiroba is a tree that belongs to the same family as mahogany and cedar trees. It can be found Southern Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, and the Caribbean islands.

In Brazil, it is found from sea level to 350 m elevation, throughout the Amazon basin, both in terra firme forests (dry land) and on land that is temporarily flooded, along rivers and streams and near the mangroves. The seeds float and can be dispersed by water. However, in forests, most fruits and seeds are found under the parent tree. The seeds are eaten by rodents, armadillos, peccaries, pacas, deer, cotias, etc. 

The andiroba tree can reach 30 meters (98') in height and grow well to different environments, such as flooded areas and terra firme.

The oil is produced from the seeds. The name andiroba is from Nheengatu nhandi rob, meaning "bitter oil". Andiroba oil similar to neem oil.            

Andiroba oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, including oleic, palmitic, myristic and linoleic acids, and contains no fatty components such as triterpenes, tannins, and alkaloids, which are isolated as Andirobina and Carapina. The bitter taste of the oil is attributed to a group of terpene chemicals called meliacins, recently, one of these meliacins, called gedunin, was documented to have pest control properties and antimalarial effects equal to that of quinine. A chemical analysis of andiroba oil identified the anti-inflammatory named andirobina, which has healing and insect repelling properties that are attributed to the presence of limonoids. The interest in using andiroba oil in cosmetics has increased significantly, especially after the patenting of a cream by Yves Rocher, from France, that has moisturizing and anticellulite properties based on this oil.

Andiroba candles are used as an effective mosquito repellent. When burned the candles release an agent that inhibits the hunger of the mosquitoes, therefore reducing its need to bite. In addition to this property, the candle is completely non-toxic, produces no smoke, and does not contain perfume.

The harvest of the Andiroba seeds cause no damage to the tree, the seeds are found on the ground, and by consuming Andiroba Oil, you give incentive to local Amazon communities to make their living harvesting the seeds not from the timber industry.

*The Amazonian butters and oils have been tested by generations of rainforest's indigenous and ribeirinho people. They are used for cooking, baking, healing, moisturizing and protecting against the elements.

When we consume Amazonia's sustainable, non-timber-products, we give the local people an alternative to logging and farming which are the two largest responsible factors of the deforestation of such an important ecosystem.

Rainforest Chica's products are wild harvested or ethically farmed. With constant focus on sustainability and fair treatment of harvester, farmers, transporters and producers.

Product for cosmetic use only, not suited for human consumption!

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Warnings: Avoid contact with eyes, do not ingest. In case of eye contact, flush thoroughly with water, call physician if irritation persists. Keep out of reach of children.

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